I've had suspicions something odd was going on around our home lately.
Unusual things were happening.
Nothing extremely alarming, just odd occurances,
Tea Cups going missing, then showing up in unusual places,
Hats, Feathers, Needles & Thread vanishing in the night,
and there were even a couple of windows who "lost" their curtains during the night.
But the most peculiar of all was this......
........A couple days ago I found Felicity's piggies (Pinkie and Sophie), all dolled up, with a tea cup sitting next to them, as if they had been to a fancy tea party during the night.
Well, You will never guess what, or "WHO" was behind all this;
It was the Mad Hatter himself.
It sounds crazy, I know, but if you open your mind & let your imagination run free anything can happen and nothing is impossible at all!
The Hatter revealed himself this morning.
Felicity was getting out of bed when this cute little character jumped out of the closet and exclaimed, "It's Time for Tea! It's Time for Tea!"
Felicity is always up for a tea party so she quickly threw on her finest Tea Time attire and at the insistence of the Mad Hatter, I dug out one of her finest hats. We soon discovered what the Mad Hatter had been hard at work on.....
He told us how during the night he had been preparing for their special tea party.
He had been decorating and baking for hours!
(he left a terrible mess in the kitchen)
and last night, the Hatter and Siohra the Cat, even shared some Tea!
Oh, and on the night he arrived he had a little tea party with the piggies as well!
Felicity was so excited when she saw what the Hatter had created for her;
She quickly crawled into the little hideaway....
Her eyes opened wide as she marveled at everything she saw. Her first words were "Oh Wow!"
The Mad Hatter was delighted that she was happy!
...Once he pointed out the goodies, she wasted no time diving in.
Who says you can't have Dessert for Breakfast?
Although Felicity was delighted to be partying with the Mad Hatter, we were curious why he had decided to travel so far to have Tea with her?????
He told us that word of her love for hosting Tea Parties and her collection of fine hats had spread all the way to Wonderland!
The Cheshire Cat had passed on to him some story about all the fun the children had at her recent Valentine's Day Brunch.

Then he was told about her fancy Easter Tea Party

The Hatter said he had every intention of making a surprise appearance at her Second Birthday Party...

....but he and the March Hare were having their own little party that morning and
he simply lost track of the time...
He blamed the Hare.
Felicity told him all about her parties and then the Hatter told her a few stories of his own.
The Hatter reminisced of his now famous tea party with Alice back in 1865. He said she was simply dreadful! She had no sense of humor and didn't understand the value of good riddles. He enjoyed Felicity's company far more.
Felicity listened as the Mad Hatter jabbered on, often talking in silly rhymes and riddles that she found quite amusing.
Suddenly, in the middle of a tale the Mad Hatter jumped up, quickly rambled something about how it was time for him to leave and away he went. Felicity tried to chase after him but he was gone in an instant.
All the excitement of the morning left Felicity exhausted, so we cleared out her newly built hideaway the Hatter had left behind for her and she curled up for a nap!
I am sure she had dreams of Wonderland!
From what I hear, the Mad Hatter has been up to all kinds of shenanigans lately. If you wish to travel through the rabbit hole and see what he has been up to Click Here to visit A Fanciful Twist.
In celebration of the Mad Tea Party I am offering the biggest discount code I have ever offered at my shop!
I am also linking this post up at