Cowboy Pocket Banner & Gift Box

As much as I love making pink, frilly, little girl creations it was fun to make some little boy stuff recently for a  friend who just had a baby boy with a cowboy themed nursery.
A few months ago I re-purposed some pockets from my old jeans to make a pocket banner for Felicity's room.  I knew a little boy version would be cute so I went to Goodwill and bought a couple pairs of men's jeans for a couple dollars and cut out the pockets.

To see exactly how I put this together Click Here and see my tutorial from my first pocket banner.
In the far left pocket I put a guitar onesie I made the baby using an iron-on patch from hobby lobby.

I put the banner and a couple other things I got for them in a simple gift box and tied it up with tulle and twine and glued on a small pocket with a candy bar for her older son so he wouldn't be left out.

Also, on a completely different note, I was driving down the road recently I spotted to funniest thing.

Walking down the center of the road in front of me were  two adult geese with a flock of babies....  

When they saw my car coming they scurried off into the field by the road.....

Coming across this little family unexpectedly was such a fun little surprise it had me smiling all day.

I should have the pictures from Felicity's second birthday party up in couple days.  I can't wait to share them  - Have a great week!


  1. Wonderful idea. I see pkgs. of jean pockets quite often at our local thrift store. Next time I see them I'll grab some to make banners. Thx for sharing.


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