Old Frame to Cute Display Piece

You may have noticed this turquoise frame display piece I used at my craft show to display some hair pieces.......

We also used it at my Niece's Mad Tea Party to display photos of her....

I came across pictures I took of the process to make this and thought I would share them today.

I am in love with this simple little piece and even more in love with the fact that it only cost $2 - below is what the frame looked like when I bought it at a yard sale.

I went over the whole thing with a couple coats of craft paint I had on hand.

Then to distress it a little I sanded some edges here and there and rubbed some Valspar Antiquing Glaze in a few spots and let it sit for a few seconds then rubbed it back off, leaving just a little behind.  You can find the glaze at Lowes.

My husband stapled chicken wire onto the back of the frame and then I stapled some fabric behind the wire.

I just love it and when I am not using it at craft shows or parties  I have it hanging in my studio and clip random this and that type things on it (magazine clippings, etc).

I have acquired a really large ornate gold frame that I'm thinking about doing something similar with, but haven't decided for sure.

I also wanted to share some pics of a few things I've added to the shop
Grey & Pink Vintage Button Swarovski Brooch-pink, leopard, turquoise, rose, grey, gray, chevron, brooch, pink, pearl, gold, swarovski, corsage.

Pink & Leopard Couture Clip-leopard, cheetah, brown, gold, pink, flower, satin, feather

Shades of Purple Headband-purple, headband, grey, lavender, satin, cotton

I hope you have a great week!


  1. I would love to have some curtains made out of the fabric, where did you get it?

    1. I found it at Hobby Lobby recently. If you go there be sure to print a 40% off coupon off their website. Each week they have a coupon you can use to get 40% off one item and you can use it on as much fabric as you want as long as the fabric is in one cut.

    2. I'm making the assumption you were talking about the chevron print fabric on the back of the frame weren't you? or were you talking about the fabric on one of the hair pieces/brooches?

  2. Great idea! I was thinking of something similar to hang my costume jewelry on! I love the hair pieces too!

    Karla @ Simplistic Chaos

    1. Jewelry would be really cute on something like this, I may have to try that!

  3. LOVE IT! The chicken wire and chevron combo is a fun mix of country and chic.
    Ali @ Crafty WI Mama

  4. I really like the chevron and the wire combo too. Those hair clips are adorable. I found your link up next to mine at Redoux. Megan

  5. I love this! My friend made a really similar one to sell some of her handmade items only door sized! I love the bright colors and chevron! I would love if you would share this over at my blog hop http://www.ablossominglife.com/2013/01/frugal-crafty-home-hop-6.html

    1. I've been looking for something bigger like an old wooden screen door that I can do something like this with. I will check out your blog hop.


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