New Retailer & Painted Cement Floors

Check out this super cute shabby painted cement floor in my newest retailer's boutique, "The Tortoise & The Hair" in Ozark, Alabama.

First let me show you the rest of the super cute place and then I'll get back to the painted cement floor thing.

The shop is an adorable children's boutique in the front, with a cute kid's spa in the back!  

Isn't that the cutest idea?

They also have some really cute shabby painted furniture display pieces.  

Check out these little girl pedicure stations!  Felicity was pretty fascinated by them.

and there's the sweetest little area for doing hair cuts....... 

I also love the cute paint job on the back wall..... so adorable.

Oh, and here is Felicity having a bit of a meltdown on their cute cement floor, because you see, when your sales assistant is a temperamental two year old this is the kind of stuff you put up with during your work day. 

 I love their painted cement so much that now I want to do it so bad myself.

We are planning to build a house in the next few years and now I'm thinking I need painted concrete floors throughout the whole thing!

 Of course, I will have to talk my husband into it.  That might not be easy.

Here are some other cute painted concrete floors that are giving me some inspiration:
cement painted floor

Painted Cement Floor
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I have found a lot of floors that are super shinny and sleek painted, but I don't care for that.   I prefer the more shabby look myself...

plus that way if the paint ever starts to chip or something, it will look like it's intentional  =)

Option 2: (laundry room) paint the floor (assuming its poured cement in an unfinished side of the basement) or a bright rug... I usually RUN fast in the opposite direction when it comes to bold colors, I like crispy clean whites and neutrals. BUT, I think I could commit to color is such a small, detached space... hmm.

painting cement laundry floor
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This bathroom floor is the only shiny painted concrete floor that I did like...
painted concrete floor
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I am in LOVE with this floor below....

These below are decals you can actually purchase and put down on the floor.  I would love this kind of thing in a living room one day.
Doilies painted on floor. So gonna do this when I have a garage, paint the cement.
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Do you have a painted concrete floor, or know someone who does?
I would love to know what you think about it.

Also, there are still a few days left to enter our low entry "Share it to Win it" Facebook Giveaway.

Easy Candied Pecans

Our trees gifted us with a generous amount of Pecans this year.  It was so exciting going out every morning and gathering them up, but shelling them was not fun at all.

I knew Felicity and I would need snacks on our road trip, but I didn't want to spend a lot of money on junk so before we left we made a bunch of simple candied pecans to take on the road.

This is so quick, easy and fun to do I had to share....

Here's what you need:

3 Cups of Sugar 
1 Cup of Water
1/2 teaspoon Cream of Tarter
Pecans (I think I used a little under a pound)

First stir sugar, cream of tarter & water over low/medium heat until sugar dissolves.

Then turn up the heat, stop stirring, and let the mixture boil until the clear syrup turns gold.

Once it turns gold immediately remove it from the heat and mix in the pecans.

Then pour them out onto a lined baking sheet sprayed with a bit of oil.

Once they harden break then apart and eat!

Felicity and I are still having lots of fun visiting Alabama.  I found these super cute flip flops for $4 at a Charlotte Russo store1

.... and we have another new Alabama retailer in Ozark, AL.  I will have a full tour of the boutique later this week.  I don't have all the photos edited yet, but here's one of my little sales assistant having a bit of a melt-down on their cute painted cement floor!

Your work days are always interesting, when your sales assistant is two.

Don't forget to enter our low entry "Share it to Win it" Giveaway on my Facebook Page.


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